
Your feedback is extremely important to us. Please help us to ensure that the School Milk Program is working for you.

This survey should be completed by the School Milk Coordinator. Once completed, the recipient will be entered in a draw for a chance to win a $500 gift card!

> One entry per NL school

Thank you for completing our survey!

    Year End Survey

    Grade 6 or lowerGrade 7 or higherMixed grades

    Principal/Vice PrincipalTeacherCanteen/Cafeteria-workerSecretaryVolunteerOther (please specify)

    School StaffVolunteersPrivate OperatorNot applicable (don’t have a canteen/cafeteria)Other (please specify)

    Students go to the canteen/cafeteria and purchase milkMilk order is taken in the classroom and then milk is delivered to the classBothOther (please specify)

    Yes, every piece!Yes, most of it.Yes, some of it.No, none.

    Students are not interested in promotionsNo one to administer promotionsBoth the aboveNot age appropriateOther (please specify)

    FacebookTwitterInstagramNone (please specify)


    S'milk Bucks - Round 1YesNoReceive info on this promotionS'milk Bucks - Round 2YesNoReceive info on this promotionMilkRun (K-4)YesNoReceive info on this promotion

    Go With Milk (K-12)YesNoReceive info on this promotionS'mooveitYesNoReceive info on this promotion

    Milk Facts

    carton iconWhat happens to the milk after the cow?

    The raw milk is carried through pipes to a refrigerated storage tank in another room in the barn. Every second day, the raw milk is piped from the storage tank in the barn to a big, insulated milk truck for its journey to the dairy. When the milk truck arrives at the dairy, the raw milk is piped into another cold storage tank. A sample of milk is taken and it is tested for its milk fat content, flavour, odour and bacterial count.