Important Message NL Schools 2021-2022


Welcome Back to the New 2021-2022 School Year!

Please update your school milk information for the 2021-2022 school year by emailing

Information and sign-up for promotions can be found at:

It’s imperative that you take the time to update your information, as shuffling takes place among admin, schools and districts. Updating your information will ensure you benefit from all aspects of the School Milk Program!

Thank you for your time.

School Milk Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador

Milk Facts

carton iconWhat do cows eat?

On an average day, a cow eats 4 kg of hay (about the size of a small microwave), 16 kg of silage (about half of a child’s backyard swimming pool), 10 kg of mixed grains, salt, vitamins and minerals (2½ ice cream pails full) and 60 litres of water (2/3 of a standard bathtub).