Food and Nutrition Presentations

For the 2023-2024 school year we are excited to offer programming for K-6 teachers and students throughout the province. Available this school year are virtual presentations, printable grade specific teacher guides and worksheets.

Teacher guides can be found below and detail presentation outline, curriculum outcomes discussed, and any optional supplementary materials including printable worksheets. NEW for 2023-2024: all grade worksheets and teacher guides are available in both English and French.

Presentations are live and delivered by a registered dietitian via Google Meet. Content is based off Canada’s Food Guide and focuses on all foods and drinks, not just milk! Presentation content has also been reviewed to meet select K-6 grade level Government of NL Department of Education Health Curriculum Guide(s) outcomes related to food and nutrition.

Presentations are now available! Contact Claire Tanner, RD, to book –


“Eating Everyday” (Kindergarten)

Through discussion and activity we’ll learn which foods and drinks help us play, learn, and grow.

Kindergarten Teacher Guide (English)

Kindergarten Eating Everyday (English)

Kindergarten Teacher Guide (French)

Kindergarten Eating Everyday (French)


“Food and our Body: Part One” (Grade 1)

Learn the benefits of consuming foods and drinks in Canada’s Food Guide. Students will play a jeopardy-like trivia game and participate in an activity sorting foods and drinks into food groups.

Grade 1 Teacher Guide (English)

Grade 1 Letter A Worksheet (English)

Grade 1 Letter B Worksheet (English)

Grade 1 Letter C Worksheet (English)

Grade 1 Teacher Guide (French)

Grade 1 Letter A Worksheet (French)

Grade 1 Letter B Worksheet (French)

Grade 1 Letter C Worksheet (French)


“Food and our Body: Part Two” (Grade 2)

Students will learn about Canada’s Food Guide including food variety and the benefits of drinking water. Games include a jeopardy-like trivia game and a brainstorming activity involving ways to eat a variety of familiar foods.

Grade 2 Teacher Guide (English)

Grade 2 Food Variety (English)

Grade 2 Teacher Guide (French)

Grade 2 Food Variety (French)


“My Plate: Part 1 (Grade 3)

A look into Canada’s Food Guide and the food and drink options it contains. Students will participate in a food focused “I Spy” activity using food grouping pictures.

Grade 3 Teacher Guide (English)

Grade 3 My Plate (English)

Grade 3 Teacher Guide (French)

Grade 3 My Plate (French)


“My Plate: Part 2” (Grade 4)

Students will learn the differences between whole and processed foods. How to use the Canada’s Food Guide Eat Well Plate to plan meals and snacks will be reviewed followed by a fun Jamboard activity choosing meals and snacks.

Grade 4 Teacher Guide (English)

Grade 4 Make a Meal Worksheet (English

2023-2024 Grade 4 Teacher Guide (French)

Grade 4 Make a Meal Worksheet (French)


“All About Food” (Grade 5)

A deeper look into Canada’s Food Guide food groupings. Students will build on their knowledge while learning to read food labels and complete activities comparing Nutrition Facts Tables and Ingredient Lists.

Grade 5 Teacher Guide (English)

Grade 5 Be a Food Detective (English)

Grade 5 Teacher Guide (French)

Grade 5 Be a Food Detective (French)


“Food and Eating: Know All About It” (Grade 6)

Learn how our food environment influences what we eat and drink. Students will learn how eating well is about more than just the food you eat. SMART goals are discussed and practiced by forming an action plan on Jamboard.

Grade 6 Teacher Guide (English)

Grade 6 Eating Action Plan (English)

2023-2024 Grade 6 Teacher Guide (French)

Grade 6 Eating Action Plan (French)



Milk Facts

carton iconWhat happens to the milk after the cow?

The raw milk is carried through pipes to a refrigerated storage tank in another room in the barn. Every second day, the raw milk is piped from the storage tank in the barn to a big, insulated milk truck for its journey to the dairy. When the milk truck arrives at the dairy, the raw milk is piped into another cold storage tank. A sample of milk is taken and it is tested for its milk fat content, flavour, odour and bacterial count.