Milk Run Round One


We’re bringing back the Milk Run for another Round this October until Mid-December!

Grades K-4 can enter to play, with a chance of winning some AWESOME PRIZES such as:

• 1 of 2 classroom iPads
• Free S’milk
• Several class gift cards for Amazon/Walmart/etc.

Teachers, don’t miss out on this round of Milk Run.. Enter today!

Milk Facts

carton iconWhat do cows eat?

On an average day, a cow eats 4 kg of hay (about the size of a small microwave), 16 kg of silage (about half of a child’s backyard swimming pool), 10 kg of mixed grains, salt, vitamins and minerals (2½ ice cream pails full) and 60 litres of water (2/3 of a standard bathtub).